SMSF client to agent linking

From 13 November, client-to-agent linking now applies to all types of entities with an ABN, including SMSFs.

For new SMSFs using a tax agent, you can link to your agent by lodging the SMSF ABN registration form and nominating your tax agent as your representative. You do not need to follow the client to agent linking steps.

For existing SMSFs you'll need to follow the client-agent linking steps in Online services for business if you:

  • add or change a tax agent

  • change the authorisations you give your existing tax agent.

For SMSFs with an individual trustee, one trustee can complete the linking process by setting up and accessing Online services for business and completing the agent nomination.

For SMSFs with a corporate trustee, the principal authority needs to complete the client to agent linking process.  Once they have set up their myGovID they will need to link the fund’s ABN to their myGovID in Relationship Authorisation Manager.

You should get all your details up to date on the Australian Business Register as this will assist in the client-to-agent linking process.


Overdue TPARs penalties apply from 22 March 2024


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